Google AdWords Glossary

Google AdWords Glossary is the #1 Google AdWords glossary to help you to understand Google AdWords terms and their definitions.

Overview A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Google AdWords Glossary: Overview

Google AdWords Glossary is an online glossary with Google AdWords terms, acronyms, phrases, and their definitions, which was created by SEO University.

Google AdWords Glossary: List A

Accelerated Ad Delivery

Accelerated Ad Delivery is an ad serving method that displays your ads as often as possible until the daily budget is reached. With this option, your ads can stop showing early in the day if your budget is spent.

Actual Cost-Per-Click

Actual Cost-Per-Click is the final amount you're charged for a click.

Actual CPC

Actual CPC is the final amount you're charged for a click.

Ad Auction

Ad Auction is a process that decides which ads will appear and in which order, ad auction process uses quality, bids, and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats to determine your ad's position.

Ad Delivery Options

Ad Delivery Options is a setting that determines how quickly you want Google to use your budget each day. Either spread throughout the day (Standard Ad Delivery) or more quickly (Accelerated Ad Delivery). This setting affects when during the day your ads are likely to show.

Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions is a feature that displays extra business information with your ad such as an address, phone number, more webpage links, or a coupon.

Ad Formats

Ad Formats are visual enhancements to search ads that more prominently display information about your business, such as a phone number, Google+ endorsement, or your website's domain in the headline. These enhancements, which often appear in ads above search results, can include additional content from your website or relevant third-party content. You can add these enhancements manually or they can be added by our automated formatting systems.

Ad Gallery

Ad Gallery, formerly known as the display ad builder, is an ad creation tool that offers various display ad formats in different categories, including video. You can access the tool when you begin creating a new ad on the Ads tab on any page of your account.

Ad Group

Ad Group refers to a set of keywords, ads, and bids you manage together, in order to show ads to people likely to be interested in them.

Ad Group Default Bids

Ad Group Default Bids refer to a bid amount that applies to all of the Keywords and placements in your ad group that don't have individual bids. This bid sets the maximum amount that you're willing to pay for each click on your ad for any keyword and placement without its own bid.

Ad Placement

Ad Placement is a specific group of ad units on which an advertiser can choose to place their ads using placement targeting.

Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool

Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool is a tool in your account that helps identify why your ad might not be appearing. The tool also shows a preview of a Google search result page for a specific term, helping you see which ads are appearing for your keyword.

Ad Position

Ad Position is the order in which your ad shows up on a page. Ad position is determined by your Ad Rank in the auction. To improve your ad position, you can increase your bid, or you can focus on improving your Quality Score.

Ad Rank

Ad Rank is a value that's used to determine your ad position, where ads are shown on a page. Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount and Quality Score.

Ad Relevance

Ad Relevance refers to a keyword status that measures how closely related your keyword is to your ads.

Ad Scheduling

Ad Scheduling, also known as "day parting", lets you tell Google exactly when you want your ads to run, and more importantly, when you do not want them to run. In addition, more advanced users can automatically modify their bids based on time-of-day and day-of-week cycles in campaign performance.

Ad Status

Ad Status refers to a description of whether an ad is able to run, and if so, whether there are any policy restrictions on how or when it can run.


AdSense is a Google product that provides a way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites.

Advertising Policies

Advertising Policies is the guidelines for your ads, keywords, and website. Ads that violate our policies won't be able to run.


AdWords is Google's online advertising program, lets you reach new customers and grow your business.

AdWords Advanced Display Exam

AdWords Advanced Display Exam covers intermediate-to-advanced best practices for advertising on YouTube and the Google Display Network.

AdWords Advanced Search Exam

AdWords Advanced Search Exam covers intermediate-to-advanced best practices for managing AdWords campaigns.

AdWords API

AdWords API refers to an advanced feature that lets advertisers interact with and make changes to their AdWords account through applications they create.

AdWords Certification

AdWords certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of AdWords.

AdWords Editor

AdWords Editor is a free, downloadable desktop application for managing your AdWords advertising campaigns. You can use AdWords Editor to download your account information, edit your campaigns offline, and then upload your changes to AdWords.

AdWords for Video

AdWords for video is a campaign management tool specifically designed to help you build online video campaigns more quickly. When you create video ads, you won't use the Ad gallery, formerly known as the display ad builder. Instead, you'll use templates unique to AdWords for video and YouTube's TrueView formats.

AdWords Fundamentals Exam

AdWords Fundamentals Exam covers the most basic aspects of AdWords and online advertising, including account management and the value of search advertising.

AdWords Video Advertising Exam

AdWords Video Advertising Exam covers basic and advanced YouTube and Google Display Network concepts, including topics such as ad formats, targeting, and reporting.

Alternate Email Address

Alternate Email Address is an additional email address that you can use to sign in to your Google Account.


Auction refers to the process that happens with each Google search to decide which ads will appear for that specific search and in which order those ads will show on the page.


Auto-Tagging refers to a feature that automatically creates custom destination URLs to help you track your ad performance using website tracking programs like Google Analytics.

Automated Rules

Automated Rules refers to a feature you can set up to automatically make changes to your ad statuses, budgets, and bids, so you don't have to spend so much time manually monitoring your campaigns.

Automatic Bidding

Automatic Bidding is the strategy to let the AdWords system manages your bids for you, to bring you the most clicks possible within your budget. All you have to do is set an average daily budget, and you can still set a max. CPC with this option.

Automatic Payments

Automatic Payments is a payment setting in which advertising costs that you've accrued in your AdWords account are automatically charged to your form of payment.

Automatic Placements

Automatic Placements is a term used in AdWords reporting to reflect the webpages, videos, and apps on the Display Network where your ads show automatically based on the targeting you've selected. Whereas managed placements are webpages, videos, and apps you specifically select to show your ads, automatic placements are the result of placing your ad based on your other targeting methods, like keywords or topics.

Google AdWords Glossary: List B


Budget is an amount that you set for each ad campaign to specify how much.

Google AdWords Glossary: List C


CAC is an acronym for Customer Acquisition Cost.


Campaign is a set of ad groups (ads, keywords, and bids) that share a budget, location targeting, and other settings. Campaigns are often used to organize categories of products or services that you offer.

Case Sensitivity

Case Sensitivity refers to that words can differ in meaning based on differing use of uppercase and lowercase letters.


Click refers to that when someone clicks your ad, like on the blue headline of a text ad, AdWords counts that as a click.


Clickthrough is the act of a user clicking a particular ad or SERP.

Clickthrough Rate

Clickthrough Rate (CTR) refers to the percentage of the number of clicks on an advertisement compared to the number of times the advertisement is shown (impressions).


Cloaking refers to the practice in which the content presented to the search engines is different than that presented to human users.

Contextual Advertising

Contextual Advertising is a form of targeted advertising for advertisements appearing on websites or other media.

Contextual Targeting

Contextual Targeting is one of a few different methods that you can use to get your ads on sites and webpages that are part of Google’s Display Network. This method of targeting uses the keywords or topics you’ve chosen to match your ads to relevant sites.

Contextual Targeting Tool

Contextual Targeting Tool is a tool that can automatically builds keyword lists that can be used to show your ads on relevant web pages across the Google Display Network.


Conversion is the act of converting a website visitor into a customer, or at least taking that visitor a step closer to customer acquisition.

Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization, also known as conversion rate optimization (CRO), is the process of increasing the conversion rate of a website or a landing page.

Conversion Optimizer

Conversion Optimizer is an AdWords feature that predicts which clicks are likely to be valuable, then changes your bids to help you get as many profitable clicks as possible.

Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate is the ratio of visitors who convert casual content views or website visits into desired actions based on subtle or direct requests from marketers, advertisers, and content creators.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the conversion rate of a website or a landing page.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking is a free tool in your account that can help measure how clicks on your ads lead to meaningful actions such as sales or leads.


Cookie is usually a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's Web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to notify the website of the user's previous activity.

Cost Per Action

Cost Per Action (CPA) is an online advertising pricing model, where advertisers pay for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement.

Cost Per Click

Cost Per Click (CPC) is an online advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, where advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner) when the ad is clicked.

Cost Per Impression

Cost Per Impression (CPI) refers to the cost of Internet marketing campaigns where advertisers pay for every time an ad is displayed, usually in the form of a banner ad on a website, but can also refer to advertisements in email marketing.

Cost Per Lead

Cost Per Lead (CPL) is an online advertising pricing model, where advertisers pay for each interested lead.

Cost Per View

Cost Per View (CPV) is a bidding method where you pay each time your video is played. You set CPV bids to tell Google the maximum amount you're willing to pay for each video play.


CPA is an acronym for Cost Per Action.


CPC is an acronym for Cost Per Click.


CPI is an acronym for Cost Per Impression.


CPL is an acronym for Cost Per Lead.


CPV is an acronym for Cost Per View.


CRO is an acronym for Conversion Rate Optimization.


CTR is an acronym for Clickthrough Rate.

Customer Acquisition Cost

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is calculated by dividing total acquisition costs by total new customers over a set period of time.

Google AdWords Glossary: List D

Daily Budget

Daily Budget is an amount that you set for each ad campaign to specify how much each day.

Destination URL

Destination URL refers to the URL address for the page in your website where you'd like people to be sent after they click your ad.

Display Ad Builder

Display Ad Builder is an ad creation tool that offers various display ad formats in different categories, including video. You can access the tool when you begin creating a new ad on the Ads tab on any page of your account.

Display Campaign Optimizer

Display Campaign Optimizer is a tool that automatically optimizes both targeting and bidding to help you find additional conversions for your Display Network campaigns. This tool is available for campaigns that have reached 15 conversions per month.

Display Network

Display Network, formerly known as the Content Network, it is one part of the Google Network, our name for all the webpages where AdWords ads can appear including Google Search results and other parts of the Search Network.

Google AdWords Glossary: List E

Eligible Ad Status

Eligible Ad Status refers to that ads with this status are still being reviewed, but can show on Google search pages.

Exact Match Impression Share

Exact match impression share is the percentage of impressions that your campaign received for searches that exactly matched your keyword, divided by the estimated number of exact match impressions you were eligible to receive. Since keyword match type can affect your impression share, this statistic can help you determine your share of total impressions for just the specific searches you're targeting, without requiring you to make adjustments to your campaigns.

Google AdWords Glossary: List F


Google AdWords Glossary: List G

Google Account

Google Account refers to a Google-wide username and password that can be used to access various products, including AdWords.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a Google's online advertising program, through which you can create online ads to reach people exactly when they're interested in the products and services that you offer.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that advertisers can use when refining and optimizing their display campaigns. Google Analytics enables advertisers to view more detailed information about the performance of their campaign than is available through AdWords Conversion Tracking. Google Analytics also allows advertisers to see performance data about referring sites and pages on their site that are not part of their campaign.

Google Display Network

Google Display Network is comprised of Google properties like YouTube, Google Finance, Gmail, and others that offer display advertising, as well as a network of millions of partner sites and mobile apps on which you can place your ads. Google has built out the tools and products needed to help you maximize results from both brand and product awareness campaigns and also direct performance campaigns that use display ads.

Google Forwarding Phone Number

Google Forwarding Phone Number is a unique phone number from Google that you can use in your ads to help track calls to your business.

Google Network

Google Network is the places where your AdWords ad can appear, including Google sites, webpages that partner with us, and other placements like mobile phone apps.

Google Instant

Google Instant helps people find information faster by showing relevant results as they type a search term on Google search.

Google Partners Certification Exams

Google Partners certification exams are designed to test your knowledge of Google advertising best practices, and are required to earn an AdWords certification or advanced certification.

Google Search Network

Google Search Network is a group of search-related websites where your ads can appear, including Google search sites and search sites that partner with Google to show ads, called Google search partners. Ads are matched to search results based on the terms a person uses to search. Text ads are the main ad format shown on the Google Search Network, though other formats can also appear.

Google AdWords Glossary: List H


Google AdWords Glossary: List I


Impressions refers to that how often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site on the Google Network.

Google AdWords Glossary: List J


Google AdWords Glossary: List K


Keywords are words or phrases you choose to match your ads with corresponding user search terms and relevant web content on the Google Network. Selecting high quality, relevant keywords for your advertising campaign can help you reach the customers you want, when you want.

Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner is a tool that provides keyword ideas and traffic estimates to help you build a Search Network campaign.

Google AdWords Glossary: List L

Landing Page

Landing Page is a web page where you send customers after they've clicked on your ads. It should include the same details, selling points, and promotional information as your ads.

Location Targeting

Location Targeting is a setting that helps you show your ads to customers in a selected geographic location.

Google AdWords Glossary: List M

Managed Placements

Managed Placements is a targeting method you can use to specifically chose websites, videos, and apps that are part of the Google Display Network where you'd like to show your ads. Unlike other targeting methods, like keywords or topics where your ads are placed on sites automatically for you (reported in your account as automatic placements), you select managed placements yourself.

Manual Bidding

Manual Bidding is the default strategy to let you manage your maximum CPC bids yourself. You can set bids at the ad group level, or for individual keywords.

Maximum CPC Bid

Maximum CPC Bid is a bid that you set to determine the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ad.

Google AdWords Glossary: List N


Google AdWords Glossary: List O


Overdelivery refers to the normal event of accruing more costs in one day than the amount of your average daily budget. However, AdWords prevents your campaign from overspending for the month as a whole.

Overdelivery Credit

Overdelivery Credit is a credit applied to your account if Google have shown your ad so much that you exceed your monthly charging limit. Google doesn't charge you for these clicks and can automatically issue a credit on your invoice.

Google AdWords Glossary: List P

Placement Report

Placement Report provides site-level performance metrics for ads running on the Google Display Network, and can help you reach your marketing objectives by giving you increased transparency into your display campaign's performance. Use this report to help you manage your campaigns and reach your ROI objectives for the Display Network.

Google AdWords Glossary: List Q

Quality Score

Quality Score is a measurement of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing page are to a person seeing your ad. Higher Quality Scores can lead to lower prices and better ad positions.


Google AdWords Glossary: List R

Red Circle

Red Circle refers to that there is an error in that row that will prevent posting (such as a potential advertising policy violation or a structural issue, such as a daily budget of zero for a campaign).


Relevance refers to that how closely the elements of your ad campaign match what a person seems to be looking for. Relevance is part of your Quality Score, a formula that Google uses to measure how useful your ad, keyword, and website are to a customer. Relevant ads tend to get higher Quality Scores.

Return on Investment

Return on Investment is the ratio of your costs to your profits. It's typically the most important measurement for advertisers because it's based on your specific advertising goals and shows the financial impact your advertising efforts have on your business.


ROI is an acronym for Return on Investment.

Google AdWords Glossary: List S

Standard Ad Delivery

Standard Ad Delivery tries to show your ads throughout the entire day to make sure that you don't spend your whole budget in the morning and cause your ads to stop showing for the rest of the day.


Google AdWords Glossary: List T

Text Ad

Text Ad is the standard type of AdWords ad. A text ad typically includes a link to your website and a description or promotion of your product or service.

TrueView Video Ads

TrueView Video Ads are video ads that can be created using AdWords for video and YouTube videos.

Google AdWords Glossary: List U

Under Review

Under Review is a status given to ads that can't run until Google reviews and approves them according to Google's policies.

Google AdWords Glossary: List V

Video Publisher

Video Publisher refers to a website that shows streaming video content and that usually has a strong focus on video content and video sharing. Video publisher websites are partner sites within the Google Display Network. YouTube is an example of a video publisher site.

Google AdWords Glossary: List W


Google AdWords Glossary: List X


Google AdWords Glossary: List Y


Google AdWords Glossary: List Z


Title: Google AdWords Glossary
Description: Google AdWords Glossary is the #1 Google AdWords glossary to help you to understand Google AdWords terms and their definitions.
Keywords: Google AdWords Glossary, SEO University, Best Search Engine Optimization Company, Search Engine Optimization, SEO
Subject: Google AdWords Glossary
Publisher: SEO University ()
Topics: Google AdWords Glossary, SEO University, Best Search Engine Optimization Company, Search Engine Optimization, SEO

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