Survey Domains For Sale - Survey Domains For Sale at SEO University. Purchase Survey Domains at SEO University. Purchase Survey Domains at SEO University.
Survey Domains For Sale
Survey Domains
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English. The meanings of the word "Survey" are as follows:
a critical examination or inspection often of an official character for an implied or specified purpose : the action of ascertaining facts regarding conditions or the condition of something to provide exact information especially to persons responsible or interested
an examination of a ship or a part of its cargo or equipment to determine its condition, responsibility for damage, and disposition to be made
a study of a specified area or aggregate of units (as human beings) usually with respect to a special condition or its prevalence or with the objective of drawing conclusions about a larger area or aggregate : a systematic collection and analysis of data and especially statistical data on some aspect of an area or group
a report, study, or document presenting the results of such an examination
the action of looking at something from a high or commanding position : a general or comprehensive view
a broad undetailed consideration or treatment of something : a history, exposition, or description presenting the outlines only
the process of surveying an area of land or water : the operation of finding and delineating the contour, dimensions, and position of any part of the earth's surface whether land or water
a measured plan and description of a portion of an area or of a road or line through an area obtained by surveying
an organization (as a government agency) engaged in surveying
something that is surveyed
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