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Medicine Domains For Sale
Medicine Domains
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English. The etymology of the word "Medicine" is: "Middle English medecine, medicine, from Old French, from Latin medicina, from feminine of medicinus of a physician, medical, from medicus physician + -inus -ine.", and the meanings of the word "Medicine" are as follows:
Noun: a substance or preparation used in treating disease
Noun: a person, agency, or influence that affects well-being
Noun: the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease; sometimes : the branch of this field concerned with the nonsurgical treatment of disease — distinguished from obstetrics and surgery
Noun: a drug or similar substance (as a potion, poison, or elixir) applied to nonmedical use
Noun: any of various objects supposed by the No. American Indians to give control over natural or magical forces or to act as a protective or healing charm; also : magical power or a magical rite
Noun: a similar object or agency among other primitive peoples
Noun: a potent influence
Verb: to give medicine to: work a medicinal effect on
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