Fund Domains For Sale - Fund Domains For Sale at SEO University. Purchase Fund Domains at SEO University. Purchase Fund Domains at SEO University.
Fund Domains For Sale
Fund Domains
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English. The etymology of the word "Fund" is: "French & Latin; French fond bottom, innermost part, basis & French fonds stock or capital, piece of landed property, from Latin fundus bottom, piece of landed property.", and the meanings of the word "Fund" are as follows:
Noun: an appropriation (as of permanent revenue) or a deposit or collection of money or its equivalent used as a resource or security: a sum of money or other resources the principal or interest of which is set apart for a specific objective or activity. specifically : a reserve or accumulation set up by a self-insurer or some public body (as the federal or a state government) for the assumption of certain risks
Noun: money on deposit which is held at a specified place and on which checks or drafts can be drawn — usually used in plural
Noun: stock, capital
Noun: funds plural: the stock of the British national debt — called also public funds; usually used with the
Noun: funds plural: available pecuniary resources ordinarily including cash and negotiable paper that can be converted to cash at any time without loss
Noun: an organization administering a special fund
Noun: a quantity of material resources maintained or available as a source of supply
Noun: a supply of intangible resources (as of information, stories, wisdom, goodwill)
Verb: to provide and appropriate a fund or permanent revenue to pay the interest of : make permanent provision of resources for discharging the interest or principal of
Verb: to make provision for meeting (a recurrent future liability) by systematic accumulation of a fund
Verb: to place in a fund: store up: accumulate
Verb: to convert (a floating or short-time debt or a number of different debts) into a debt that is payable either at a distant date usually with an option to the debtor to redeem after a certain time or at no definite date and that bears a fixed interest
Verb: to invest (money) in the British public funds
Fund Domains For Sale at SEO University. Purchase Fund Domains at SEO University. Purchase Fund Domains at SEO University.