Community Domains For Sale - Community Domains For Sale at SEO University. Purchase Community Domains at SEO University. Purchase Community Domains at SEO University.
Community Domains For Sale
Community Domains
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English. The etymology of the word "Community" is: "Middle English comunete, from Middle French communité, comuneté, from Latin communitat-, communitas, from communis common + -itat-, -itas -ity.", and the meanings of the word "Community" are as follows:
Noun: a body of individuals organized into a unit or manifesting usually with awareness some unifying trait: state, commonwealth
Noun: the people living in a particular place or region and usually linked by common interests; broadly: the region itself: any population cluster
Noun: a monastic body or other unified religious group
Noun: an interacting population of different kinds of individuals (as species) constituting a society or association or simply an aggregation of mutually related individuals in a given location
Noun: a group of people marked by a common characteristic but living within a larger society that does not share that characteristic. especially: such a group politically organized and recognized especially as a separate voting group for election purposes
Noun: a group sharing a particular economic or social belief and living communally
Noun: any group sharing interests or pursuits: a group linked by a common policy
Noun: a body of persons or nations united by historical consciousness or by common social, economic, and political interests
Noun: society at large: public: people in general — used with the definite article
Noun: common or joint ownership, tenure, experience, or pertinence: commonness, sharing, participation
Noun: common character: fact of showing a trait or various traits in common: agreement, concord, likeness
Noun: shared activity: social intercourse : fellowship , communion; especially: social activity marked by a feeling of unity but also individual participation completely willing and not forced or coerced and without loss of individuality
Noun: a social or societal state
Noun: a civil-law partnership or society of property between husband and wife arising by virtue of the fact of marriage or by contract
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